First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:
Is your organization a sponsored clubs, organization, or campus departments that directly benefit University students and student life?:
A brief description of the organization, including its mission and accomplishments:
The purpose and description for which the request is being made:
Describe how this donation would be used
Date of event:
What type of donation are you seeking? (Select one or multiple) University Logo Gift Basket, University Logo Small Giveaway Items, Utech Accessories (headphones, tablets, etc.), Starbucks Gift Card, University Campus Store Gift Card, Other (___)
University Logo Gift Basket
University Logo Small Giveaway Items
Utech Accessories
Starbucks Gift Card
University Campus Store Gift Card
Number of pieces needed?:
How will the Campus Store be recognized? Will our logo be displayed? Will we be mentioned in any publications or announcements? Etc.
I understand my donation request is subject to available funding, and while all reasonable appeals will be reviewed we cannot approve all donation requests.
Yes, I agree.